Milroy’s Belfast Study -Members of a speech community are
connected to each other in social networks which may be relatively
‘closed’ or ‘open’.
– A person whose personal contacts all know each other belong to a closed network. An individual whose contacts tend not to know each other belong to an open network.
Closed networks are said to be of high density: open networks are said
to be of low density. Moreover, the links between people may be of
different kinds: people can relate to each other as relatives, as
neighbours, as workmates, as friends. Where individuals are linked in
several ways, e.g. by job, family and leisure activities, then the
network ties are said to be multiplex.
– Relatively dense networks, it is claimed, function as
norm-enforcement mechanisms. In the case of language, this means that a
closely-knit group will have the capacity to enforce linguistic norms.
– She investigated the correlation between the integration of
individuals in the community and the way those individuals speak. To do
this she gave each individual she studied a Network Strength Score based
on the person’s knowledge of other people in the community, the
workplace and at leisure activities to give a score of 1 to 5, where 5
is the highest Network Strength Score. Then she measured each person’s
use of several linguistic variables, including, for example, (th) as in
mother and (a) as in hat, which had both standard and non-standard
forms. What she found was that a high Network Strength Score was
correlated with the use of vernacular or non-standard forms.
– In most cases this meant that men whose speech revealed high
usage of vernacular or non-standard forms were also found to belong to
tight-knit social networks. Conversely, vernacular or non-standard forms
are less evident in women’s speech because the women belong to less
dense social networks.
– However, for some variables, the pattern of men using
non-standard and women using standard forms was reversed. In the Hammer
and the Clonard, for example, more women than expected tended to use the
non-standard form of (a) as in hat. Milroy’s explanation for this
finding is based on the social pressures operating in the communities.
The Hammer and the Clonard both had unemployment rates of around 35 per
cent, which clearly affected social relationships. Men from these areas
were forced to look for work outside the community, and also shared more
in domestic tasks (with consequent blurring of sex roles). The women in
these areas went out to work and, in the case of the young Clonard
women, all worked together. This meant that the young Clonard women
belonged to a dense and multiplex network; they lived, worked and amused
themselves together.
– The tight-knit network to which the young Clonard women belong clearly exerts pressure on its members, who are linguistically homogeneous.
– Over and above gender differences, or class differences,
Milroy discovered that it was how closely or loosely knit a social group
a person belonged to that determined their use of the local dialect
forms. The covert prestige of such forms works in a more complicated way that previously thought.
– The idea of closed and open networks
can be usefully applied to any case of language variation – e.g. the
spread of MLE. Whereas in the past working class London children might
have belonged to very closed networks, because of changes to society
such as high levels of immigration, exposure to the media and greater
sense of identity as teenagers as opposed to class.
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